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How to use

Import the client from node modules:

import Autograph from 'autograph-client'

Create an instance of the client class:

const autograph = new Autograph()

We do not pass any config to it yet.


You will need to pass this object to render method of an instance.

Let's take a closer look at the details of what it consists of.


Your Autograph API key. Required.


Which mode should Autograph be loaded in. Required.

Possible values

prepareDocument, prepareDocumentWithTemplate, createTemplate, sign.


Array of objects of the following structure:

name: 'John Doe',
email: ''

This contacts list will be automatically added to the recipients list of a signature request. Optional.


HTML container element, client web component will be rendered inside it. Required.


Optional object, containing configs for each external file storage service, you'd want a user to be able to upload a file from, currently Google Drive and Dropbox are supported. More on this here.


Optional. Provide an async function, which fetches the list of templates. The function must return a promise, that resolves with an array of template objects, the following fields are mandatory for each of the objects: createdAt, name, templateId - each is a string. The Autograph client will check if the function is present in the config object, render Choose from Templates button accordingly and call the function when the button is clicked. The function will be called with the only argument - template type string (TemplateType).


Choose from Templates button will be rendered only if appMode is prepareDocument.


Please make sure the function returns a promise, not the data, and each object in an array has mandatory fields.


Optional. Provide an async function, which fetches contacts, to show autocomplete options on the "Add recipients" step, when entering contact's name. The function must return a promise, that resolves with an array of contact objects, the following fields are mandatory for each of the objects: id, name, email - each is a string. The function will be called with the only argument - string value of name input field.


Please make sure the function returns a promise, not the data, and each object in an array has mandatory fields.


ID of existing signature request, to be combined with prepareDocument app mode, to reuse existing signature request and skip selecting documents. Optional.


ID of existing signature template, to be combined with createTemplate app mode, to reuse existing signature template and skip selecting documents. Optional.


A string representing signature request type, possible values:

Possible values


Required only if app mode is prepareDocumentWithTemplate.


ID of a file, which needs to be signed. Required only when using sign app mode.


ID of a template, to use when preparing a document using a template. Required only when using prepareDocumentWithTemplate app mode.


A string, representing locale name, that will be used for all text elements within the client. Currently we support only limited number of locales. If unsupported locale will be passed it will fall back to en-US.

Accepted values

en-US, es-LA, fr-CA, pt-BR


Optional object, containing properties for theming. Currently, only primaryColor property is supported. It may contain a string representing any color in any form, that can be put into CSS variable: color name, hex, rgb, hsl and so on. Defaults to #2265D2. For example this setting:

theme: {
primaryColor: 'darkgreen'
// of config properties

will lead to this result:


JWT of a user on whose behalf all actions inside Autograph will be done. Required.

inPersonEmail and inPersonToken

Strings representing an email and a token of a user that will be used in the in-person signing mode, in that case required.

Instance methods


To render the client inside a container, please call render method of the client instance:


This will create client's web component HTML element and will put it in DOM.


To unmount the client please use destroy instance method:


This will remove client element from DOM tree and do some internal stuff. You should use this method every time before re-rendering client with new config.


For subscribing to client events you should use on instance method:

autograph.on(eventName, callback)


For details about every event and its payload please refer to Events page.

Example implementations using frameworks

We have React and Vue example implementations.